
Here Matt is depleting my muscle armour completely by exerting different strategies.
Dropping and bouncing his hefty body on my abs, using a hammer on my pecs & abs, fist presses into my abs & pecs, knee presses and kicks into my abs, and of course more gut punches.
Towards the end he is holding my body in the so called „La Pietà“ pose, which translates to „pity“ or „compassion“.
Compassionately he provides his last few punches (also using the hammer) until he lays my body down…

Total length: 9:06 min

Depleting My Muscle Armour

#gut punching #hammer punching #butt drops #stomach bouncing #stomach sitting
Gut Punch AKENO

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PremiumFullHDDownloadableLength: 9:06

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Depleting My Muscle Armour

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