
Absolutely Jacked Muscle Master Kevin Viciously Dominates and Cash Drains Young Twink

#cash drain #muscle master #master #slave #twink

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PremiumDownloadableLength: 20:08

A young twink has a bounce in his step because he's finally scrounged up enough cash to get a ring for his long time girlfriend. However, as if sensing a spark of happiness that could be snuffed out, a well dressed Master Kevin arrives on scene- Making the twinks future clear.

That cash is for Kevin's pockets, NOT his future, and if there was ever the slightest doubt of that, with each layer of clothes Kevin strips off himself, and each new muscle that pops out, it becomes ever clearer that every last dollar is finding its way directly to his accounts.

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Published on 2025-03-19


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Absolutely Jacked Muscle Master Kevin Viciously Dominates and Cash Drains Young Twink

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