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Kayden Keller is looking to extend his reign of terror at UKWH but The Bearly Bro's have other plans.
Taking matters into their own hands, Grizzly Jim & Bo Bearly decide it's high time they tack out the trash and put an end to Kayden once and for all.
Hesitant to get into the ring, remembering his last match with an American, Bo leaves Jim to start off against Kayden, proving that there were no tricks to be had this time.
However, Kayden isn't one of THE names in underground wrestling for nothing. He has more than ample skill to fight back against these bears. Numbers don't lie though, and once Bo gets over his "trauma" and steps into the ring, devolving this match into the inevitable 2 vs 1 it was always destined to be. It isn't long before Kayden is left KO'ed and carried out back to the bins... where evidently the Bearly Bro's think he belongs
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2023-08-21 11:38Amazing squash match. Love how the bears enjoy punishing the poor muscleboy Kayden.
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2024-01-29 08:14