Cross Border Battle 2: Sunny DeLeon Vs Chuck Collins
#Canada vs USA #Older Vs Younger #Speedo wrestling #Erotic pro fantasyVideo details
Sunny continues his journey through the USA proudly sporting his Canadian trunks looking for willing American opponents.
Of course, veteran heel and long time opponent, Chuck Collins never passes up an opportunity to tussle with the Canadian Champ.
Chuck is quite confident that he can stop Sunny in his tracks. He knows his moves, his strengths and especially his weaknesses and doesn't hesitate to exploit them either.
But you should never underestimate Sunny. He quickly adapts to any situation he is in and will make his move to turn the tides of battle.
Watch almost 50 mins of action as Canada goes head to head with the USA in this sexy erotic grappling battle.
This product contains nudity and explicit sexual content. Viewer discretion is advised.
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2024-06-02 15:22