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Watch how Alex squeezes my body very tightly and throws it around with different moves, however he likes to, and not letting me rest for a minute.
A full domination by this powerful tank!
Total length: 8:47 min
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Great sqaush job. Alex effortlessly dominates Akeno, easily throwing the smaller man around. Loved Alex pressing his big bare feet into Akeno's sexy abs while he was down. Things get even hotter in the back half with Akeno's beautiful bulge and ass on display in the jock. Lovely choke to finish, though I selfishly wish Alex ignored the tap and put Akeno to sleep! Would love to see more wrestling between you two.
2023-05-18 10:55This video is amazing, Akeno looks very sexy being dominated by Alex. More like this, please.
2023-05-16 13:10You know Alex you have some of the most beautiful and perfect legs I have ever seen in my life. I really hope that we continue to get to see them in action. They are just so amazing. Maybe some day even a competition to see who can survive in between your legs the longest? Maybe a match using only scissors that's competitive? But I bet that would be hard, almost no one in the world probably has legs that can compete with yours!
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2023-07-31 19:05