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post 38:31
post 41:46
Play Together
4 views 6 wk
My stats

My name: Claymore Alexander
Gender: I use my penis.
Height: 5'10
Weight: 168
Location: Braddock, PA (Pittsburgh Metropolitan Area)
Spoken language: English, Music
Fighting style: Boxing, Muay Thai, and I continuously learn to wrestle better. :-)
Favorite workout: Abs Training, Ab rolls, Jump Rope; I am learning to love lifting heavy weights.
My motto:

MeetFighters link
Member since7.0yr
Past opponents41
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WatchFighters stats
Join Date2021-07-08
Channel visits51647
Donated for charity€1239.63
About me

Call me Claymore Alexander. This past year has been amazing. I want to thank every single one of my fans and the people who have supported me for all of these years. Thank you. I appreciate your emails. I appreciate your comforting words. When you message me, I will answer eventually. I am willing to film private and custom videos. The goal of this is to be able to create as much content as I can.

My video sales go to my nonprofit, SAVE. This nonprofit is on the pages of WatchFighters. My goal with this is to get as many people to donate to this charity. This place is where I am being trained on how to become a Pro Wrestler, they do amazing work in the community.

I shoot my own videos. I edit my own videos. I release my own videos. If you are willing to be a sponsor of my site, then I will guarantee that I will give you the best of my attention. :-) Thank you for reading.

- Claymore Alexander