
Johnfromhawaii VS The Bison

#Squash #Heel #Jobber #Trample #Bonsai

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PremiumFullHDLength: 31:13

Getting in the ring carries all kinds of risks. Sometimes that risk is meeting a 290-pound muscle stud who's intent on stomping, splashing and squeezing the life out of you. For John, that risk just got very real.

Locking up and manhandling his foe into the corner, Bison quickly cuts him down with chops and punches. Overwhelmed by the offensive, John is rapidly reduced to crawling across the canvas as he fights to keep his wits about him. Enduring a series of elbows, he's dragged to the corner and finds himself gasping for breath. A succession of stomps, splashes and numerous full weight bonsai drops ensure that any attempt at breathing will be a struggle.

Unable to signal his surrender, John's mercilessly squashed and taunted. Pinned over and over, then pulled up at the last moment, he's subjected to more attacks from the Bison. Finally, choked with a chain and straddled by the beefy bully, John's graciously pinned for a slow three count. His opposition once again left laid out in the ring, Bison stomps off to find another victim.

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Published on 2024-06-01



2024-10-18 19:39

This is one of the best, if not THE best, wrestling videos I've ever seen. Two big men going at it in a one sided squash match. John suffers mightily and The Bison enjoys dishing out the punishment, both physically and verbally. There are a couple camera glitches in the beginning, but the rest of the camerawork is great...especially the lingering shot at the end. And John seems to enjoy the match as much as I did...

Pro RJ Jobs

2024-06-14 22:13

I don't comment a lot on here, BUT this one deserves it's accolades. This match serves to solidify The BIson/OTS XL as a jobbers ultimate dream/nightmare. 30 minutes of pure sadistic heel punishment, and John does take it like a champ. You almost want to feel bad for him, however the enjoyment of seeing what The Bison is going to dish out next diminishes that pity. To date, this is one of his more brutal squashes. As you watch, those of us who have an inner jobber will wish they were in John's place, and those who have that inner heel should aspire to punish as well as The Bison. This match is worth every penny, so I wouldn't sleep on it, just get it.

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Johnfromhawaii VS The Bison

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