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Double Teamed: World's Most Humiliating Camel, Pendulumed, and Pinned

1005 views - 9 days ago

This is part of Jobs very first matchup after a lengthy hiatus. To say it was a challenge would be an understatement. Both Herc and Rowdybear decided that a handicap match would be an appropriate first matchup for Jobs. It went exactly as expected for him, given the two beefy opponents and the way they worked perfectly in sync with each other. They kept the punishment going for nearly 30 minutes.

In this clip of the match, we see the already beaten down Jobs on the mat. Rowdy decides to put the jobber in a Camel Clutch, while Herc attempts to work his legs and get a Boston Crab as well. What he decides to do next is make this the most humiliating Camel Clutch ever, and kneels with his beefy (and very sweaty) ass right in front of Jobs face and Rowdy just pushes the already suffering jobs face right in there. To rub it in even more, they ask Jobs if he gives, saying they can't hear him submitting, knowing very well that all they will hear is muffled pleading from the jobber.

As if that punishment wasn't bad enough, once he is prone on the mat following the Camel, they set Jobs up for Herc's favorite submission...The Swinging Pendulum. You can literally see the pleasure on Herc's face as he begins to lock it in on the already broken jobber. The hold is brutal, and the only mercy was them being so sweaty that Jobs slipped out of the hold before Herc could get the submission.

As an added humiliation, they decide to pin the clearly suffering and destroyed jobber. Rowdy climbs on top and hooks the leg and Herc lays right on Rowdy's back as they count the pin. Clearly it was just to add weight and suffering to the beaten jobber, as it would have been an easy pin for either of them. They count the 1....2....3 together. And Jobs thinks the punishment is finally over. That is, until he heard them debating that they think there might still be a little too much fight left in Jobs and they aren't honoring the pin, even though he is clearly down and beaten. So unfortunately for Jobs, the demolition isn't quite over yet.