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Competitive Submission Match w/ Ethan "Axel" Andrews

If you wanna see more, check out the 2nd part of this match, with us battling it out in jockstraps until they're stripped off. Don't miss out on the explosive ending to this hot and steamy match 👀💦. Find it here!

Ethan "Axel" Andrews has been regarded as one of the top submission wrestlers in underground wrestling for years. And I've been making some noise, as one of the new guys blazing a path to the top with my submission skills. So it only makes sense that we meet on the mats for the ultimate submission showdown.

The rules are simple: First to 5 submissions wins
The stakes are hot: Winner's domination of the loser
The setting: UCW's matroom

Don't miss out on this rough rumble with 2 of the best submission wrestlers out there! And don’t forget to leave a comment letting me know your favorite part(s). 😉

May the best wrestler win...

Matroom Massacr3: Match w/ Ethan Axel Andrews (pt. 1)

#Competitive #Chokes #Armbars #Scissors #Fig4
Bundle 4 92:03
Denzel vs. Ethan
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PremiumFullHDDownloadableLength: 18:26

Competitive Submission Match w/ Ethan "Axel" Andrews

If you wanna see more, check out the 2nd part of this match, with us battling it out in jockstraps until they're stripped off. Don't miss out on the explosive ending to this hot and steamy match 👀💦. Find it here!

Ethan "Axel" Andrews has been regarded as one of the top submission wrestlers in underground wrestling for years. And I've been making some noise, as one of the new guys blazing a path to the top with my submission skills. So it only makes sense that we meet on the mats for the ultimate submission showdown.

The rules are simple: First to 5 submissions wins
The stakes are hot: Winner's domination of the loser
The setting: UCW's matroom

Don't miss out on this rough rumble with 2 of the best submission wrestlers out there! And don’t forget to leave a comment letting me know your favorite part(s). 😉

May the best wrestler win...

Created by

Ethan Axel Andrews

More like this

Published on 2022-10-05



2024-07-03 04:10

the hottest humiliating defeat for axel!btavo guys


2022-11-30 00:33

Love how it started out competitive and watched you slowly take him apart, can't wait to see part 2


2022-10-21 19:57

Ethan is perhaps my fave wrestler ever and its so rare to get to see him dominated like this, which you do beautifully. Great job, excited to watch part 2 now!


2022-10-11 20:49

Thanks guys for sharing , excellent match !!! You were in control over him methodically getting one sub after the another. Eager to watch a rematch soon!!


2022-10-11 20:15

Great match between two of the best; so Ethan was well beaten this time but some of the comments are unnecessarily derogatory to him - he remains a wrestler more likely to win than be taken!


2022-10-08 21:41

One of your best matches yet. Great to see Axel dominated. The crotch to face scissors was the best but also love the frontal sleepers the way you do them. Hope you choke him out in Part 2. Thanks for the awesome content


2022-10-07 12:21

Great fight guys! At first it looked like denzel might have finally found an evenly-matched opponent....but the search continues.

Dowahh (deleted member)

2022-10-06 16:03

Wow, did Axel receive an ass whoppin' or what !!!!! AZ was methodical with one sub after another. Would love to see a match in regular speedos between these guys with long held holds. I'd buy that in a second.

Baby Tank

2022-10-06 02:38

Fantastic. i am sure Ethan has dominated guys like this before. Often this is due to experience differentials. Sometimes just natural strength. And i have meet a few guys who just seem to be one or two steps ahead. You really wrestled like a total beast. Congratulations to you. And kudos to Ethan for taking on the match. As Ethan is very experienced in the business, i would be interested in him breaking down the match.

Did you have extra motivation for wrestling Ethan? Can't wait for part 2.


2022-10-05 22:22

Holy wow. Amazing. Is there a Part 2?


2022-10-05 22:32

(In reply to this)

Yes! It’ll come out soon. In the meantime, you can “follow” my profile for free and get a notification when it releases!


2022-10-09 04:30

(In reply to this)

When is Part 2 coming? Let’s expedite this please.


2022-10-06 00:49

(In reply to this)

👍🏻 awesome

AJ 87 (deleted member)

2022-10-05 16:52

Wow. Of all the matches I've seen with Ethan / Axel over the years, I don't think I've seen him controlled and played with like this before. Great show of your strength, skill and stamina.

Matt Larsen

2022-10-05 16:42

Good job guys 🥵🥵🥵

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Matroom Massacr3: Match w/ Ethan Axel Andrews (pt. 1)

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