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Yes, Toby is a complete BRATT when it comes to fighting.. There is no running rings around him, he runs the rings around you. Because he has just received his new micro mesh posing string it seems to have given him a little more power for dominants. This little Bratt is Fast, Tough, Dominant, Humiliating, Sly and Cunning!

Two videos of the same though from another angle in the full version.

Toby: February Fight. "The complete Brat"!

#twink fight #toby muscle #cocky twink fighter #bully boi #scissor

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PremiumFullHDDownloadableLength: 30:10

Yes, Toby is a complete BRATT when it comes to fighting.. There is no running rings around him, he runs the rings around you. Because he has just received his new micro mesh posing string it seems to have given him a little more power for dominants. This little Bratt is Fast, Tough, Dominant, Humiliating, Sly and Cunning!

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Published on 2024-02-03

1 Comment


2024-02-04 15:56

I will never get tired of watching Toby ride this guy's face in skimpy little bikini undies... I swear to god, it is SO HOT. The way he immediately jumps on top of him and sits on his face to set the tone of the encounter. You have to remain fully clothed and stay flat on your back, old man, and I get to enjoy all the freedom of movement and sensuality of wearing a skimpy little thong while ALWAYS being on top, using my perky, youthful package to dominate and humiliate you, rubbing it all over you while I squeeze your submissive head between my delicious thighs... Such a sexy, horny little brat who takes full advantage of the one-sided pleasure he gets from his adoring victim!

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Toby: February Fight. "The complete Brat"!

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