
«TALLER VS SHORTER« - Beau Jordan VS Masked Menace - Movie 1

#Dirty holds #Ballbusting #Face crotch #Torture rack #Big hard cock

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PremiumHDDownloadableLength: 30:42

"At almost a foot taller and 35 lbs heavier, Beau Jordan has a huge size advantage over Marc. He easily uses his height and weight advantage to toss Marc around the mats - crushing him in bearhugs, scissors and tor ture racks. Could a piledriver be the end to Marc's winning streak? Or will a low blow turn the tables and expose Beau's biggest weakness (his sensitive balls!)??? Tune in to find out!"

Don’t miss this hot erotic match with lot of nasty dirty holds.

Created by

Beau Jordan

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Published on 2024-01-19

1 Comment


2024-01-29 13:19

Not gunna lie, it took a while for my sadistic dick to wake up to this but once Marc got a hold of those gorgeous targets between Beau’s legs and started beating them mercilessly, I shot a load fit for a King for sure. 😮‍💨💦

Not finished yet so there’ll probably be more loads in the near future! 🤷🏿‍♂️

Note: About halfway through the video and sound sync become delayed. Might be a watchfighters or a rendering issue. Take it up with the admins just in case!

Great work boys! Can’t wait to work that muscle body too 🤴🏿😎🦾

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«TALLER VS SHORTER« - Beau Jordan VS Masked Menace - Movie 1

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