
Scrappy vs Parker Flynn! Jockstraps and BARE Bubble Butts

#scrappy #jockstraps #parkerflynn
Muscleboy Wrestling

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PremiumHDLength: 35:02

Fuck it's hot to see Parker and Scrappy in old fashioned singlets with jockstraps underneath. They spend the first half of this match in those singlets whipping each other around the mat room and trash talking. Scrappy’s size and skill get the upper hand but Parker is a fighter, he doesn’t fold easy. Parker gives as good as he takes and he sells like a newbie jobber being fed to the established heel at a dark match. Once these boys strip down to their jocks the action REALLY starts to pick up and they exchange nasty spladles, slams and sweat all over each other. For those who know Scrappy you are familiar with what is now known as “The Scrappy Pin” which consists of him pressing his junk in the face of his splayed out opponent while in a jockstrap with his bare bubble ass in the air and gleaming under the matroom lights. All the while he is also slamming the mat with a 1, 2, 3. The Scrappy Pin is here in all it’s glory and so is a ton of hot action and sexy holds!

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Published on 2023-06-02


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Scrappy vs Parker Flynn! Jockstraps and BARE Bubble Butts

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