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Mason vs Miznew201

mason brooks

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PremiumFullHDLength: 19:55

Wrestlefest 2024 was a great opportunity for those opponents you’ve been dying to lock up with but never seem to be close enough to make it happen. Miznew has been eager for a chance at Mason–and the feeling is mutual. The beefy hoosier trades midwestern nice for confident and cocky, donning a gold mask and shiny gold briefs that show off his sexy, corn-fed physique. And he wastes no time showing off Mason’s assets, stretching him out and wedging Mason’s hot pink briefs all the way up before administering a humiliating, upside-down, bare-assed discipline session. Mason’s not here to play the jobber though, and soon those meaty glutes are flexing as they squeeze Miznew in a crushing bodyscissor. Submissions are shouted, egos are bruised, and neither of these studs wants to give an inch, but an off-the-bed sleeper finisher leaves one man flexing in triumph, and the bed in need of fresh sheets. You might need fresh sheets too by the end of this one. 💦

Published on 2024-04-10


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Mason vs Miznew201

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