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Pro Wrestling Squash - Slade Groman VS C. Alexander


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PremiumFullHDLength: 8:43

Slade Groman and Claymore Alexander decided to meet for their first Masculinity Session. This part was all about pro wrestling. Slade took pleasure in his revenge against Claymore, the squash was real.

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Published on 2021-10-05



2024-11-01 05:51

This video would have been much better if they did not inserted a still photo from the match for a few seconds 4 different times during the 7 minute match. It made absolutely no sense to stop the action just to show a still photo with the wrestlers names and title of the match. And just as things start getting good the video ends. At least the men are hot.


2022-01-01 22:03

You did it again Alexander and Slade as you were good at wrestling and had a great sexaul part in this one which showed both of you in good standing . I love seeing you go at it in this type of match and looking forward to seeing more like it and better in detailed. Thanks, Bill

Swamped (deleted member)

2021-10-29 21:19

Two very hot men going at it. I love how Alexander is boned up right from the start. The only thing that would make this match better is if Groman had laid Alexander across his knee in a backbreaker and relieved him of his shorts.

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Pro Wrestling Squash - Slade Groman VS C. Alexander

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