
POV: Celtic Salior Boy

#beaten up #boxing #boot camp #pov
Bundle 14 136:37
Celtic Solo POV Bundle: 2020-2024
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PremiumFullHDDownloadableLength: 10:23

Description: A POV Boxing match against Sailor Boy Celtic

Summary: Sailor Boy Celtic dominates the match by using his charm, wits and strength which his opponent the newbie boxer is unprepared for. In a bit of a dialogue with Sailor Boy Celtic, you introduce yourself, be playful, teasy and say you'll take it easy on him, if the newbie boxer wins he wins a free cruise, if he loses he would have to massage you. On the first round immediately use Sailor Boy Show, the newbie boxer is completely stunned and surprised by this move and knocks him out, this already sets the pace of the entire match, from Round 1 to Round 3 Sailor Boy Celtic dominates the newbie boxer and is fully under his control, on the last part of the match, you take pity on him and finish him off with one good Sailor Boy Show move, you count him out and he loses the match.

Round intermissions: You can flex here, tease the opponent more, taunting him a bit or talk to yourself on how good you're doing.

Epilogue: Newbie boxer wakes up and you're on top of him, you talk to him a bit while you're flexing saying he has to massage you now, after this is up to you.

Winner - Sailor Boy Celtic by TKO


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Published on 2024-12-21


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POV: Celtic Salior Boy

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