
I was idle over the weekend and i decided to call my friend jobber for a domination/lifty and carry session, i noticed he got very "excited" during the content, i believe you guys will realize how excited...

Domination, bear hug and lifty/carry on weekend


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PremiumFullHDLength: 15:03

I was idle over the weekend and i decided to call my friend jobber for a domination/lifty and carry session, i noticed he got very "excited" during the content, i believe you guys will realize how excited...

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Published on 2023-01-25



2023-07-14 00:10

Would love to put him in a reverse bear hug lifting him high and tightly squeezing. Would show off his bone.


2023-07-14 01:06

(In reply to this)

I ll in the next


2023-02-02 08:00

Very nice display of strength and domination. How about a pro style total squash match with this very thin young man? Completely overpower him with multiple false pins, crotch lifts, body slams, gorilla press, head scissors, back breakers, bear hugs (but please don't really harm the young man)? Would make a very popular seller and very hot. Thanks a lot.


2023-02-02 10:35

(In reply to this)

Thanks my friend for the suggestion, I try to do all of this long list

My regards


2023-01-27 02:04

I see he's VERY excited! Can you do baby / cradle carry next time on him or your next victim?


2023-01-27 10:24

(In reply to this)

I ll do it in the next my friend

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Domination, bear hug and lifty/carry on weekend

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