UCW - Claymore Alexander VS Zack Reno - BUY NOW!

Posted on 2022-12-09#zack #reno #alexander #Alexander #wood
This content is made available for free by ClaymoreAlexander.

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Claymore wants to try his hand at underground wrestling. He comes out acting tough and Zack has fun with it by taking Claymore’s bling bling and stuffing it down his own trunks. Now he may come to regret that decision. The fight is on and Claymore being a pro boxer has a mean hit, but Zack has some killer submission moves on his side. For some reason this match is bringing out the dirty in Zack. As he keeps humping on Claymore way too hard than needed. Then there is Claymore who is sporting some very nice wood. And thanks to him we a very nice tease of what’s inside Zack’s speedo. – Michael “BodySlam”

