
Once The Beast decides to show you the power of his massive arms and legs, he won’t let go that easy… In this video he constantly taunts his victim verbally, while flexing his muscles around the poor guy. And any time the jobber talks back, The Beast keeps him under control with lots of handgags, scissors and even some armpit smothering.

Muscle Beast dominates - sleepers, headscissors and handgags


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Premium4KLength: 19:17

Once The Beast decides to show you the power of his massive arms and legs, he won’t let go that easy… In this video he constantly taunts slpt verbally, while flexing his muscles around the poor guy. And any time the jobber talks back, The Beast keeps him under control with lots of handgags, scissors and even some armpit smothering.

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Published on 2023-06-19


PA Wrestler

2023-06-29 12:51

Again, I’m gonna stand by my original statement of this being a crazy hot roommate or live-in buddy/partner type fantasy. Haha, 💪🏼😜, never had a roomie or lived with anyone I think would be good at this; but I’m just imagining this sort of stuff happening all the time.

After the gym, after work, between your trips to the laundromat. Whenever there is time and the mood is right, the tough guy roomie just takes over and pulls the other aside for another beat down, yet the other one never decides to move out. Knowing he’d never find a better spot than this 😝


2023-06-29 14:30

(In reply to this)

That'd be fantastic Matt... every time I see a video with roommates wrestling or dominating each other, I'm like "where the hell do these people find gym rats / bodybuilders / wrestlers to live with???" Ahaha I guess some guys are just mad lucky!

PA Wrestler

2023-07-15 23:25

(In reply to this)

Still for real a sort of fantasy haha 🤣, although living solo, it’s kind of hard to go back to roommates. But if one or two were like this, I think I’d have to take the offer 💪🏼

Caros LV

2023-06-22 01:57

Another great video! You guys make a really great team! Love how you play off each other!


2023-06-22 09:22

(In reply to this)

Thank you Caros, really appreciate you taking the time to leave such nice comments! The Beast is a consummate pro with his relentless trash talking, I was really mad when he said "Grunting like a little pig, huh" and squeezed me harder so I couldn't talk back 😆

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Muscle Beast dominates - sleepers, headscissors and handgags

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