
John Wolfboy (5'7", 135 lbs, Pennsylvania)
Nathan FX (6'1", 163 lbs, Illinois)

John Wolfboy is easily one of the most beautiful grapplers. Nathan FX shares Wolfboy’s leanness, stretching his barely there lavender speedo.

John wraps his legs around Nathan’s upper body, forcing Nathan to slam John to the mat several times with a reverberating thud. Nathan can’t immediately break the hold, but is able to roll on top of John for a fleeting moment. John leans back into what is slowly but surely turning into a figure four, as Nathan tosse his head back with abandon, squeezing tighter and tighter.

That's just how this starts! This is gonna be one hell of an even match!

Total Run-time: 21 minutes, 41 seconds

Tight Chokes! John Wolfboy vs. Nathan FX - NHB Fights

#submission #subwrestling #matwrestling #grappling #submissionhold

Video details

PremiumHDDownloadableLength: 21:41

John Wolfboy (5'7", 135 lbs, Pennsylvania)
Nathan FX (6'1", 163 lbs, Illinois)

John Wolfboy is easily one of the most beautiful grapplers. Nathan FX shares Wolfboy’s leanness, stretching his barely there lavender speedo.

John wraps his legs around Nathan’s upper body, forcing Nathan to slam John to the mat several times with a reverberating thud. Nathan can’t immediately break the hold, but is able to roll on top of John for a fleeting moment. John leans back into what is slowly but surely turning into a figure four, as Nathan tosse his head back with abandon, squeezing tighter and tighter.

That's just how this starts! This is gonna be one hell of an even match!

Total Run-time: 21 minutes, 41 seconds

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Published on 2024-07-12


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Tight Chokes! John Wolfboy vs. Nathan FX - NHB Fights

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