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Competitive Promission Match w/ Ryan Reilly

You folks know my brand, I looooove a fierce battle to determine who's in charge on the mats. With that being said, let me introduce the sexy newcomer Ryan Reilly!

He may not know it, but prior to making his debut in the video corner of this underground scene, I've had my eye on him for years. You may already be able to see why, but if not you'll understand once you watch.

Scissors, armbars, pins, bondage, choking and stroking... just a few things you can expect to see in this steamy match. And there's even a double eruption at the end 💦🤤

Enjoy and be sure to let us know, in the comments, your favorite part(s) of the match. And tell us what you wanna see in future matches from us.

Camera Setup: 2 Stationary Cameras
Contains nudity & sexual acts

Living Room Battle w/ Ryan Reilly (💦 ending)

#Competitive #Crotch2Face #Erotic #Dragon Sleeper #Cum Shot
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Premium4KLength: 44:44

Competitive Promission Match w/ Ryan Reilly

You folks know my brand, I looooove a fierce battle to determine who's in charge on the mats. With that being said, let me introduce the sexy newcomer Ryan Reilly!

He may not know it, but prior to making his debut in the video corner of this underground scene, I've had my eye on him for years. You may already be able to see why, but if not you'll understand once you watch.

Scissors, armbars, pins, bondage, choking and stroking... just a few things you can expect to see in this steamy match. And there's even a double eruption at the end 💦🤤

Enjoy and be sure to let us know, in the comments, your favorite part(s) of the match. And tell us what you wanna see in future matches from us.

Camera Setup: 2 Stationary Cameras
Contains nudity & sexual acts

Created by

Ryan Reilly

More like this

Published on 2024-03-31



2024-07-14 00:44

Another great match, which you had control of for the most part, although Ryan had his moments. I noticed he painted his fingernails for the match, was wondering why you didn't do the same? A nice lavender would have been appropriate. I love it anytime you smother your opponent with your armpits, and, of course, you favorite move, which seems to be (to me, anyway) your grinding crotch in your opponent's face. And your single-leg boston crab, while, jacking off your opponent at the same time as jacking your own dick, was heavenly. Thanks again for the great entertainment.


2024-04-25 00:28

Reckon you would both love to penetrate each other,excellent entertainment


2024-04-18 04:42

This is a great match dude! Loved the abundance of bodyscissor holds, and the fact that Ryan actually tried to fight. Hope you guys do some more matches like this.


2024-04-14 18:15

Hey there you did it again, very hot and sexy and more so erotic and the 33:30 spot was so hot and Ryan seemed to get into it from the beginning to the end. He appears to be very tough and put up a good match even though you are tougher and more controlling. Love it and hope you will wrestle him again. 3 stars XXX


2024-04-06 16:15

Awesome match! Love all your goto holds!. Lately been pausing at 18:00 and 40:15 💦🤤


2024-04-08 12:39

(In reply to this)

Haha I see we have a dragon sleeper (or pits) fan 😏

Thanks for the support!


2024-04-01 14:25

Very hot match. That move at 33:30 put me over the top.


2024-04-01 14:58

(In reply to this)

Thanks! That's one of my fav parts of the match too 😜


2024-03-31 14:24

Incredible!!! Those legs are relentless!!!

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Living Room Battle w/ Ryan Reilly (💦 ending)

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