
It's late at night and you're stuck in a lonely hotel room. Who you gonna call? Not Ghostbusters. You're gonna look up Wrestler4Hire.

That's exactly what my buddy Justin did. He scrolled the talent page on W4H - this one is too this...this one is too that...this one is JUST RIGHT!

A few moments later this lightweight strolls to his hotel room door to reveal his prize - 225 pounds of Grade A bodybuilder beef, Braden Charron.

Justin likes what he sees and wants to enjoy it a little more. Braden flexes his bulging biceps and his powerful pecs. Of course, Justin can't help himself and he must touch the goods. However, Justin isn't just here to worship the powerful pretty boy. He has some dastardly plans for that body.

As Braden turns his back to give Justin what he asks, the opportunity arises for Justin to sneak a chloroformed soak rag over the mouth of the brute. Braden squirms and struggles but it's no use. He succumbs to the chemical and is now at the whim of Justin's desires.

The nipples and balls are the destination for this punishment. Mixed in with a good helping of wedgies. Braden is stripped from his wrestling attire into a skimpy thong. Justin loves it. He's enjoying man-handling the muscle man so much that he wants the world to see it, so he snaps a few selfies side-by-side with the helpless hunk.

A lot of muscle worship, a ton of ball bashing, nipple twisting & wedgies plus the ultimate hunk of beef.

Is this the perfect Friday night fantasy fight?

TOTAL RUN-TIME: 28 minutes, 46 seconds

Hotel Beef - Braden Charron vs. Justin Rage

#pro wrestling #bedroom #hotel #muscle worship #chloroform

Video details

PremiumFullHDDownloadableLength: 28:46

It's late at night and you're stuck in a lonely hotel room. Who you gonna call? Not Ghostbusters. You're gonna look up Wrestler4Hire.

That's exactly what my buddy Justin did. He scrolled the talent page on W4H - this one is too this...this one is too that...this one is JUST RIGHT!

A few moments later this lightweight strolls to his hotel room door to reveal his prize - 225 pounds of Grade A bodybuilder beef, Braden Charron.

Justin likes what he sees and wants to enjoy it a little more. Braden flexes his bulging biceps and his powerful pecs. Of course, Justin can't help himself and he must touch the goods. However, Justin isn't just here to worship the powerful pretty boy. He has some dastardly plans for that body.

As Braden turns his back to give Justin what he asks, the opportunity arises for Justin to sneak a chloroformed soak rag over the mouth of the brute. Braden squirms and struggles but it's no use. He succumbs to the chemical and is now at the whim of Justin's desires.

The nipples and balls are the destination for this punishment. Mixed in with a good helping of wedgies. Braden is stripped from his wrestling attire into a skimpy thong. Justin loves it. He's enjoying man-handling the muscle man so much that he wants the world to see it, so he snaps a few selfies side-by-side with the helpless hunk.

A lot of muscle worship, a ton of ball bashing, nipple twisting & wedgies plus the ultimate hunk of beef.

Is this the perfect Friday night fantasy fight?

TOTAL RUN-TIME: 28 minutes, 46 seconds

Published on 2025-03-25


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Hotel Beef - Braden Charron vs. Justin Rage

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