I am devoting the channel for the admiration of guys physiques, thin, lean, or muscled. For those that enjoy watching older muscled, or lean guys being humiliated and punished by torturous freestyle or college wrestling/ grappling/ MMA/ no-holds barred, tap out matches, whom are forced 2 submission in figure 4 headlock pins/ choke arm bar holds, etc. by younger opponents. For those that enjoy watching dominant younger, skinny, jock, or muscled dudes, whom take on the role of master/ top albeit it through arm wrestling or body flexing, Lets record on video, assist either me or your channel's growth in my contribution, in a market that still has huge grow potential, and grow its audience.
realfight4twinkheels-sa accepts requests for custom videos
Very little is off limits, and i'm keen to participate in a wide variation of themes. This said, I'm very keen to be involved in projects whereby, finally, guys are not too hesitant or scared to push the boundaries of what they may consider to be too extreme in terms of fitting into specific categories. Ultimately you must feature in your own performance as I'm merely the pawn.