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New Box

Looking for real sessions with like-minded. Into gut punching big time, Sadistic trash talking Heels are good.
If I have a preference in a match/session I will pick being receiver. Being blindfolded, hands cuffed or tied behind
behind my back, and a tall chair or stool under muy Bum. (to keep me from dropping to my knees after hard punches)
If your a boxer looking for a heavy bag, use my stomach instead. lol. In a contest, usually my submission is a
complete double up and grabbing my stomach, after a puncher has given me a belly/stomach ache, from a series of
hard punches, (and/or bitchin about having a stomach/belly ache after said punch.) As it's hard to do a good
double up with your hands cuffed behind your back.
Not saying that it hasn't ever happened, I will say,here and now, that I WILL take 5 stomach punches from the
hardest punchers anywhere without doubling up.
Gloves, knucks, sap, bare fisted, I leave it all up to the puncher. Whatever he/she likes. Bat, jabs, knees, kicks, ect.
are good also.
Have done all kinds of stakes, spoils, wagers $ ect. associated with punching sessions and contests. But, as a rule,
dont mix sex with gut punching.

I usually wear wrestling speedos, knee pads, chest protector, (to keep stray punches from breaking my ribs)
but all is flexible. And travel with all the associated gear. Ive found that it's very beneficial to have a IRL phone
convo before a meeting. If your serious about a match I will give # to you.
Although I have done cyber matches in the past, it's not really my thing.
No time-wasters, please. I am not looking for sex. Thanks.
The only hair I basically have is on my head. that is a question I get asked a lot.
As for as writing reviews of past opponent's, I keep it simple and they all pretty well read alike. That way no one
gets offended by "saying like why did you write all that for one opponent and not the other one".
The past opponants listed here are a fraction of the matches and sessions I have. As most sessions I have are contacts
from fetlife and local dungeons, as well as my contact thru the BDSM leather community, as well as my wrestling contacts in
Denver, LV and LA.

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post 0:11
2 nd punch slo mo.
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post 0:11
1 st punch from the clip.
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post 0:14
vid 1 start to 14 hard
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