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Joined 2021-09-28
Okay bio stuff! I'm an ex high school wrestler that enjoys competitive matches. Originally from Texas, latin descent, very open to match ideas!

My favorite opponents are competitive, though I don't mind being heel/jobber for some matches with a little give and take. I've a real interest in learning pro wrestling, my favorite wrestlers are mostly 80s/90s era wrestling icons like Rick Rude, Ricky the Dragon Steamboat, (Surfer) Sting, Ricky Roma... I could go on and will if you message me!

As far as what I want from matches and people that match well with me; I'd say just general respect for each other. I'm fairly okay with being treated ruff (:p) but I try to have a safe time and try to respect if I have a match with someone they allow time for me as I do like particularly long matches! I do have a way with words, so if you like trash talk, I'll give you that haha! If not, I am really okay with just the grunts and groans of the match, this applies to erotic elements to matches as well.

My current videos will be of Gymrat and myself! Much more content on the way!


Join Date2021-09-28
Channel visits7227
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