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Hi absolutely anyone wishing to have a absolutely no holds barred anything no restrictions no limits street fight style blood bath and bloody and brutal absolutely anything whatsoever goes bloody and brutal fight to the death style death match wrestling match and fight whilst being locked in a room with me without absolutely any way out for either myself or my opponent at absolutely any point throughout our fight’s wrestling matches and fights and scraps of this kind with each other anytime anywhere as from the end of October this year onwards only should contact me via my profile on here and if you like arm wrestling and staring contests so much the better and I always like to try to include both biting and eye gouging at all times throughout our fights with each other as well as not ever being allowed to stop for a drink of water or even to come up for air or to catch our breath at absolutely any point throughout our whole entire fight and brawl with each other and the only time that our fight will end is when we both can’t take absolutely any more pain and suffering and not one single second before that time comes around from now on that is and so if you like what you read within my profile on this website then by all means please feel free to get in touch whenever you have a few spare moments on your hands from now on that is speak soon from Craig

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