Flexibility and Punishment - Split and Domination
#split #choking #buffestboys #domination #threesomeVideo details
PremiumFullHDDownloadableLength: 10:07
A young fighter shows off his flexibility and tries to dominate with leg chokeholds. But the others decide to teach him a lesson: they tie his legs, stretch him into a full split, and suspend him for the rest of the day. A mix of power struggles, tension, and discipline awaits you in this video
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Published on 2025-01-13
2025-01-28 09:57So hot! Can he have his hands tied behind his back next time? Take on the 2 opponents with just his kicks before they tie him in the splits again?
2025-01-20 18:47He’s hot but I was hoping with his legs split open like that he would take a hit to the balls.
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