
Ty Shadow vs Tripp Evans -SWEATY MAT FIGHT!

#tyshadow #trippevans #muscle #musclebears #bodybuilders
Muscleboy Wrestling

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PremiumHDLength: 29:00

Ty Shadow made one of the most impressive and smoldering debuts in MBW history in the last catalog against Aiden. This time around Ty has set his sights on humpy Tripp Evans. Tripp is ready and horny to go at it with Ty and both of these Muscle studs tear into each other with grit and ferocity. This won’t be an easy task for either wrestler and Ty takes the upper hand early. His masterful control is evident once again but once Tripp takes control Ty suffers just as hot as any jobber on the MBW roster. There are rough body shots, slams and suplexes, and tons of long held mat holds to please every fans palate. This sweaty back and forth vid will blow your minds and Ty Shadow is on his way to becoming an MBW legend!

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Published on 2024-07-04


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Ty Shadow vs Tripp Evans -SWEATY MAT FIGHT!

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