
WF 40: Constance Debuts

#Camel Clutch #Mixed wrestling #Headscissor #Reverse Headscissor #pro wrestling

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PremiumFullHDLength: 11:46

WF 40: Constance Debuts

Constance and Wrestlefan have a scheduled matchup for the first time ever, but Constance comes back to the room to find Rose laid out on the floor unexpectedly! Constance helps Rose back up and tries to figure out what the heck happened? Come to find out, Wrestlefan may have had some dirty tricks planned prior to the match. Will Constance get her revenge or will she end up laid out and defeated like her friend Greasy Rose. Come check out the action!

Featured moves:
- Bear Hug
- Headscissors
- Reverse Headscissors
- Camel Clutches
- Sleeperholds
- Surfboard Variations
- Over the Knee Backbreaker
- Grapevine
- Victory Pose


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Published on 2023-07-01
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WF 40: Constance Debuts

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