
Foolish Max

#erotic wrestling #face sittting #headscissors #fondling

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PremiumHDLength: 22:14

Max is working out when Bear comes in and challenges him to a match. Max is confident of his new muscles and meets the older man in the ring. Both guys are dressed in singlets as the match begins and it's obvious that Bear is going to dominate poor Max once again. Max finds himself body slammed, scissored, carried on Bear's shoulders, racked, humiliated on the ring ropes, and flipped all over the ring. Halfway through the match, Bear, while sitting on Max's neck, decides to strip him out of his singlet to his tiny speedo. Max is with worked over with tons of erotic wrestling holds, his ever growing bulge being rubbed and fondled! In the end, Max is given a tombstone piledriver and stripped to his golden thong. Bear throws the barely naked man over his shoulder and "disposes" of him :) ENJOY!

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Published on 2023-10-30

1 Comment


2023-10-30 21:35

Can never get enough of seeing Max get worked over erotically! Tbh I would have loved to see him in that thong for more of the match! Please keep bringing hom back, watching him is almost as good as the thought of working him over myself 😈

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