
English: Boxer Danniel Ospina is training in the boxing ring. Two men who have lost money on a few of Danniel's boxing matches enter the ring and attack him. In the corner of the boxing ring, Danniel's arm are held while he is punched in the stomach and shoulders are thrusted into his weakened abdominals.

Español: El boxeador Danniel Ospina entrena en el ring de boxeo. Dos hombres que han perdido dinero en algunos de los combates de boxeo de Danniel entran al ring y lo atacan. En la esquina del ring de boxeo, el brazo de Danniel está sujeto mientras recibe un puñetazo en el estómago y los hombros se empujan contra sus abdominales debilitados.

Boxer Receives Gut Punches and Shoulder Thrusts in the Ring

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Boxer Receives Gut Punches and Shoulder Thrusts in the Ring

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