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Fighter Tim returns for the second time and goes in hard! He treats his victim like sh*t, punching, strangling with arms and legs and grinding on the victims face. Tim is slim, not an over muscular twink but being a street lad with street sense he certainly knows how far he can push his strength!

Two of the same video, both with different view angles.

Fighter Tim Returns!

#cocky twink #flex show #fighting twink #head scissors #fighting master

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PremiumFullHDDownloadableLength: 30:28

Fighter Tim returns for the second time and goes in hard! He treats his victim like sh*t, punching, strangling with arms and legs and grinding on the victims face. Tim is slim, not an over muscular twink but being a street lad with street sense he certainly knows how far he can push his strength!

Two of the same video, both with different view angles.

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Published on 2023-10-26

1 Comment


2023-10-27 00:32

REALLY hot to see this sexy boy destroying daddy from a couple of different angles. Brilliant work as always!

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Fighter Tim Returns!

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