Drake Marcos - WatchFighters Interviews 08

#Interviews #Wrestlefest
WatchFighters Media

Video details

Free4KLength: 2:39


Drake Marcos:
Hi, I'm Drake Marcos and this is Watch Fighter interviews.

WatchFighters Media:
Did you watch a lot of wrestling growing up?

Drake Marcos:
A lot. Watching a lot of WCW and WWF was kind of by every Monday night, Thursday night thing, switching back and forth between, you know, Nitro and Raw and things like that. But I always loved watching wrestling and everything kind of changed and the interests kind of shifted a little bit when I watched Alex Wright dances way down to the ring on Monday Nitro.

WatchFighters Media:
How did you get into making wrestling videos?

Drake Marcos:
So the wrestling videos itself, that was actually I, I applied as kind of a joke. Everything had kind of like came out of like my, my background of like doing online chat fighting wrestling and things like that, and it just kind of moved into, and it just kind of moved into, oh, maybe I can do this for real. After I'd actually met up with a couple people and little company by the name of HVWLI reached out to them and next thing I know I'm making videos for them. And then BG became my main home for most of my wrestling career. But over the years I've kind of started to branch out and watch Fighters is now getting home for Drake Marcos.

WatchFighters Media:
What is your preferred fighting attire?

Drake Marcos:
Preferred fighting attire is mostly singlets, but from a lot of feedback I've started to get from fellow wrestlers and fans online is that they are looking for more of the prostyle look. So in a lot of some of the most recent matches I have started to branch out into more Speedo, little bit more BDSM style of attire, but I am most comfortable in singlets.

WatchFighters Media:
How comfortable are you wrestling naked on camera? Did it take long to get used to?

Drake Marcos:
It did not take long. The way it kind of worked out for me, I initially said I wasn't going to get nude and then I just kind of figured there was more money actually in going nude. So it just what ended up being kind of like the breaking point for me in terms of getting comfortable with it was just stripping down naked at the taping and just walking around and just kind of throwing caution to the wind, enjoying the cat calls and enjoying just kind of how free it actually feels. It's kind of a brings you back to your primal base nature.

Interview Release Dates

February 27, 2025
01: The Dark Knights
02: Sir Dark
03: JJAllen
04: Gabe Steel

March 3, 2025
05: Ben Monaco
06: Tarz Lando
07: Nero The Beast
08: Drake Marcos

March 6, 2025
09: Drew Harper
10: Rocko Mortis
11: Chris Sanderson
12: Ethan Axel Andrews

March 10, 2025
13: Leon Cyrus
14: Wrestle the Wolf
15: Ryan Reilly

March 13, 2025
16: Freddy Campbell & Abuster
17: Geforce199
18: CommanderTC

Created by

WatchFighters Media
Drake Marcos
Wrestlefest NYC

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Published on 2025-03-03

1 Comment


11 days ago

Yas, HBWL!! 🤩

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