
roleplay video

A muscular sports doll is unpackaged and given commands

I tell it to flex and I muscle worship and strip it.

The doll malfunctions and goes all floppy

The doll is like a mannequin that I can pose how I want

full video is 9:37mins

features BigDannyFlex

Big Danny The Sports Doll

#mannequin #time stop #muscle #cock #robot

Video details

PremiumFullHDLength: 9:37

roleplay video

A muscular sports doll is unpackaged and given commands

I tell it to flex and I muscle worship and strip it.

The doll malfunctions and goes all floppy

The doll is like a mannequin that I can pose how I want

full video is 9:37mins

features BigDannyFlex

More like this

Published on 2024-08-31


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Big Danny The Sports Doll

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