
Dr. Cam might not be the most ethical doctor the world has ever seen, as he carries with him a certain potion that is messing one very important ingredient....and ingredient he needs from Steel Man.

As if by magic, Dr. Cam is transformed into a larger, more powerful individual, bringing the large hero to his knees!

Can Dr. Cam finish off Steel Man even if his potion wears off? Can Steel Man rally back and defeat the evil Dr.? Or is Dr. Cam going to rule the city and bend the world to his monstrous plans?

TOTAL RUN-TIME: 24 minutes, 50 seconds

Transformed - Steel Man vs. Dr. Cam

#herohunks #superhero #goodvsevil #supervillain

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PremiumFullHDDownloadableLength: 24:44

Dr. Cam might not be the most ethical doctor the world has ever seen, as he carries with him a certain potion that is messing one very important ingredient....and ingredient he needs from Steel Man.

As if by magic, Dr. Cam is transformed into a larger, more powerful individual, bringing the large hero to his knees!

Can Dr. Cam finish off Steel Man even if his potion wears off? Can Steel Man rally back and defeat the evil Dr.? Or is Dr. Cam going to rule the city and bend the world to his monstrous plans?

TOTAL RUN-TIME: 24 minutes, 50 seconds

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Published on 2024-07-28


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Transformed - Steel Man vs. Dr. Cam

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