
FAC 230522 Roger Ripper v Stephen (2/2) @ The Facility.


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PremiumFullHDLength: 4:37

FAC 230522 Roger Ripper v Stephen (2/2) @ The Facility.

Action from a pro wrestling match held in a MMA cage featuring Roger Ripper v Stephen held at The Facility, West Midlands..

This is the second clip of two from this match.

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Published on 2023-05-23



2023-05-23 20:39

First time viewer, Stephen! Poor Roger had no chance!

Loved it when you picked him and over the knee backbreakered him!

I love lift and carry situations!

Small request, but not asking for a custom video - with smaller male wrestlers like him, as I see you have wrestled female wrestlers as well - can you carry him like a baby / over the threshold like a bride, walk around with them for further embarrassment, and then slam them over your knee or drop them suddenly?



2023-05-23 21:15

(In reply to this)

Thanks for your message and purchase.

Yes, I'll look at including your idea (baby/bride).

I'd never thought of anything similar to that before !



2023-05-23 23:26

(In reply to this)

Thank you for considering this in the future! Not sure if you are aware of the lift and carry fetishists out there - over the shoulder carry, fireman's carry, piggyback carry, and my favorite - the baby / cradle carry - in addition to the wrestling part of it - SO HOT and SEXY!


2023-05-24 06:53

(In reply to this)

Without realising it, a few of my clips do have some form of lifts in them.
There are some over shoulder lifts, fireman type lifts and torture racks or variations there of.
Just never considered putting several together in one match before, just usually use them as a weakener before a submission.
However it is something I’ll look at doing in upcoming matches at some point.

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