
Against The Ropes - Gut Punching II


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PremiumLength: 4:09

1 Comment


2022-11-01 10:02

I keep buying these videos because I love how your punchee just keeps taking the hits but...more hits please and way less jumping around and chat (eg padding). He's standing prone, inviting you to punch him, he unflexes and tenses whever you ask him, he's not dodging the punches so you don't need to posture about - just square up to him and you'd be able to hit him solidly "in the gut" more accurately, increasing the intensity. You'd also need to stop less because you've barged him over or hit his ribs etc. 20 punches in a 4 min video - he could take a lot more :-) Thanks

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Against The Ropes - Gut Punching II

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