
Armond Rizzo gets PUMMELED by Alex Costa

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Muscleboy Wrestling

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PremiumHDLength: 26:02

f David and Goliath were chiseled, muscled, and hot they might have looked something like these two. Alex towers over the 4’11” Armond but both these boys have bodies that the entire internet have been drooling over. At first Alex thinks he’s in the wrong place because he can’t believe that the MBW staff have given him such an easy opponent. The match goes the way you’d expect as Alex toys with Armond and literally tosses him around the mat room as if he weighed less than a feather. The powerbomb Alex DRILLS Armond with will give you chills! But don’t count out the little guy. Armond is a punk - and a punk with ATTITUDE. He leaps onto Alex’s back and attempts to put out Alex with a sleeper and even manages to take over for a bit. Throughout this one both boys also really enjoy groping and kissing each other (and humping each other’s bods like two teenagers in their parents basement). We like it too boys - Who wants to play spin the bottle?

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Published on 2023-04-17

1 Comment

Muscleboy Wrestling

2023-04-17 21:52

Nothing better than Alex Costa playing and pounding on a jobber.

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Armond Rizzo gets PUMMELED by Alex Costa

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