#069 Muscle Boy Abs, Best of 3; Match 2
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It's here! Part 2 of the best of 3 series between T-World and AJ Nasty for the UKWH Grand Championship.
Having scored the 1st win in the oil pit, AJ Nasty is just 1 pinfall or submission away form becoming champion. The only problem is that he has now backed T-World into a corner, and, as many of us know by now, T-World will not be going down without a fight.
Both men go on the offensive targeting the others abs. It's as if they are trying to prove who has the better 6 pack definition...
Neither wrestler is prepared to let victory slip through their grasp, 1 win away for glory for AJ, 1 loss away from mediocrity for T-World.
If you haven't seen the opening match yet you are missing out on one of UKWH's most suggestive matches. Especially with how AJ Nasty squirts all over T-World.
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