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Jonas is the new victim of Doctor Fer´s treatment

#control mind #mental #domination #robots

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PremiumFullHDDownloadableLength: 29:07

Doctor fer is starting to do new treatments and reprogram minds. In this case, Jonas, a football player is the new victim.Jonas saw in the tv the new advertisement of Dr Fer treatment, so decided to go because he needs to stop smoking.
He is feeling without enough air to run, so he cant stop alone so need Dr Fer treatment.
Doctor Fer will apply your mental domination technique so Jonas will do the following
Smile, feels sad, take off t-shirt and shorts, sexy dance, seduce his girlfriend, acting an orgasm, coat rack, table.

barking and doing like others similars like chicken, etc, etc.Jonas cancel his dinner with his girfriend.
moves like a robot, a zoombie, do squats, repeat message like an answering machine.

plays with nose, nipples and chest, try to his sneaker get an snap, gives a banana in doctor fer mouth.

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Published on 2024-07-12


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Jonas is the new victim of Doctor Fer´s treatment

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