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2024-02-07 01:58Just standing there getting punched without fighting back is not wrestling, it is not about power, it is not sexy (to me).
It would be much hotter if there was some kind of resistance. This is just bizarre.
Liyumm FighterMode
2024-02-08 15:09Then it is a good thing that LITERALLY no one asked for your opinion or made this explicitly for your enjoyment.
Next time...close the browser tab, log out, and let the rest of us enjoy the content with these handsome men created...without your unsolicited negative comment
2024-02-08 18:17I always find it hilarious how some people get their panties in a twist about someone else posting a negative opinion, and then feel like it is their duty as Internet Police to self-righteously tell them not to post an unsolicited negative comment -- and so they come post their own unsolicited negative comment about it.
2024-02-07 15:05