#167 Fans Fantasy Stalk and Kidnap; Thugs Punishment
#british #pro wrestling #Wrestling #kidnap #fantasyVideo details
Muscle boy HD made a lot of noise that he was returning to the UK posting all over social media, this stoked the attention of many fans who were excited to see their favourite jobber return. However, this also came with some unwanted attention. A so called super fan wanted to meet HD and either wrestle him or take him out on a date. His comments and emails to HD made him uneasy and so declined any kind of meet up. HD assumed his polite rejection would be the end of it, but boy was he wrong!
What you are about to watch is HD being stalked throughout his UK trip. From afar, he is being watched, whilst out jogging, at the supermarket, cooking his food and even in his bedroom!
This superfan is not taking no for any answer... eventually knocking out his boy and carrying him to the UKWH ring. Waking up, strapped to a bed, bound and gagged... poor HD suffers in ways you haven't seen before!
Download now and enjoy this humiliation and domination over and over... while HD forever relives the nightmare!
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2024-12-11 02:57