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FreeHDLength: 0:25
Watch me and a wrestling bro have a reverse body scissor contest. We each have each other locked around the waist with our legs and SQUEEZE until one of us taps out!
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Published on 2023-04-26
PA Wrestler
2023-04-26 11:48Always fucking love your content man! Love me some of your strong ass scissors too, some of the toughest around, but won’t is always hot to see you wrapped up and squeezed too..
Hope you still have it to watch, but loved giving you a nice tight squeeze during our last meet up! 💪🏼😘 gonna have to plan a time to get out your way, give you some more in between doing some training.
2023-04-26 18:10Thanks kid--Looking forward to squashing you on camera again. And so are my fans.
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2023-04-26 23:27