
Dad vs Muscleboy with Kevin HK Lee

#Dad vs Son #erotic #Domination #Grappling #competition

Video details

PremiumFullHDLength: 37:02

Is he Daddy's good boy, or Daddy's bad boy?

Kevin HK Lee wants to prove he's a better wrestler Canwrestle gives him credit for. When Can calls him boy off the top Cocky Kevin hits back with the "old man" and the wrestling match begins. Kevin manages to take the veteran to the mat but struggles to apply a strong enough finish. Eventually one wrestler takes over and dominates, proving who the "man" really is.
Promission wrestling with lots of real holds, in back and forth action. Erotic moves, including frot, kissing, spanking, wedges and some gut punching. Over 30 mins of hot, rough action, filmed up close like you're right on the mats.

Created by

kevin hk lee

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Published on 2023-05-17



2023-06-19 07:44

Soon as I saw this preview on twitter, I had to find it and buy it first thing! Half way through and I’ve already shot my royal load all over myself 👑💦. It’s even hotter than I anticipated. Differences aside, you’d both be a lot of fun to wrestle for sure. Good gut punishment and very nice holds. I’d love to see more power moves and piledrivers. You had a few opportunities but many are too hesitant to try them which I understand. I used to be.

All in all, I got what I came for. Well done strong horny old man and cocky/mouthy pain hungry muscle twink Kevin! You make a great duo.


2023-06-19 13:43

(In reply to this)

Thanks for taking the time to drop a comment, and although I don't like being referred to as a "horny old man" I do appreciate the review and am glad you got what you came for. Although can you still refer to your load as "royal" since you lost your crown to Marc?
As to your advice about power moves I disagree totally. A backbreak, camel or Boston applied with full intention will absolutely cause discomfort BUT the person having it applied on them is still in complete control. When they've had enough they simply tap. A piledriver or slam takes that control away from them and the possibility that one small mistake on my part could cause lasting and serious injury is something I would never subject a partner to. Doesn't matter how trained I am, mistakes happen. This is a hobby, something that brings pleasure and joy to my life. It can be rough and real but should never be dangerous.
Thanks again for the review.


2023-06-19 18:26

(In reply to this)

It’s good to see you’ve been paying attention despite not following myself at all. Marc is a great guy that everyone loves so I’m not surprised. Basically, my crown is on vacation in Canada but the thing about vacations is that they end so the crown will be back to its rightful owner soon enough I can promise you that.

The control thing you’re talking about is what I was referring to. Not everyone is comfortable delivering the truly devastating moves though I think you could do them well if you trusted yourself and talked through it with your boy beforehand. That’s what I do. I make sure they’re aware of what’s to come and that side of it is fun to me and so many others watching. You know how the community and their kinks are! 😉

Yeah I couldn’t resist leaving a review and I’m not even fully done yet. Very good stuff. I hope you’ve got plans to travel because I’m here awaiting your arrival “horny daddy” .. maybe you prefer that. 😎


2023-05-18 04:46

Canwrestle and Kevin Lee did a good job on this match. And it was real good. Alot of action and different holds and positions that you both were in and it ended nicely. Keep up the great work and keep them coming out, Bill


2023-05-18 05:45

(In reply to this)

Wow, thanks man. I really appreciated you taking the time to comment.

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Dad vs Muscleboy with Kevin HK Lee

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