
Erotic Pro Kayden VS Canwrestle

#Promission #ProWrestling #dadvsmuscleboy #Nudity #erotic

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PremiumFullHDLength: 24:59

Kayden and Canwrestle meet in this Daddy Heel vs Heel Son promission match.
Canwrestle claims that he’s going to earn redemption for his earlier defeat at the hands of the big boy in their previous BJJ match, but perhaps he’s forgotten Kayden’s status as BG East’s reigning top heel. Not only is the veteran at a size disadvantage, but he can’t claim to be any more experienced then one of the best and most prolific underground wrestlers on the scene.
The chemistry is clear right from the start, with hands on crotches and a lip lock before the wrestling even starts, the two are hungry for each other. But they are also hungry for the win, and once the action begins its all out, with nothing held back. Chokes, a muta lock, spladle, backbreakers, hits and slams, until both wrestlers have lost their trunks and one lifts the other in an across the shoulder rack for the final submission.
This match contains nudity, but no sex.

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Published on 2023-10-07

1 Comment


2024-12-19 17:34

A super hot match, great wrestling, long punishing holds and in trunks and boots first then just boots [Just how I love it]. The final rack submission, nude apart from the boots is insanely hot! Wow! 🔥💦 How Canwrestle gets big Kayden over his shoulders is amazing & so is hearing Kayden submit!

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Erotic Pro Kayden VS Canwrestle

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