
Spencer Hawkins SQUASHES Corey Turner -Sweaty Mat DESTRUCTION

#spencerhawkins #coreyturner #squash
Muscleboy Wrestling

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PremiumHDLength: 30:05

With a name like Spencer Hawkins it's pretty certain he’s going to be a jobber and up until now this was true. So much so that Spence seems to have developed an inferiority complex and a really nasty temper. Corey is gonna help him fix that right quick! Fans will be STUNNED when they see just how rough and dirty Spencer absolutely DESTROYS poor badger boy. And we mean COMPLETE destruction. He stomps, punches, racks, slams, and hammers him with a squash that is definitely one of the hottest ever filmed for MBW. Jobber Spencer slowly turns into a BEAST as he cranks on a painful hangman and then later punishes Corey with a savage figure 4 leg lock. Deal with it Corey, just take your licks and hope you will walk out of the mat room in one fucking piece!

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Published on 2023-07-25


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Spencer Hawkins SQUASHES Corey Turner -Sweaty Mat DESTRUCTION

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