
Waiter Kirill in Trouble

#captives world #waiter Kirill #wrists suspension #gut punching

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Premium4KDownloadableLength: 16:32

Kirill works as a Waiter in a small cafe. His salary leaves a lot to be desired and the clients almost don’t leave the tips to him. Kirill doesn’t have a possibility to find a better job in his small town. One day the Boss visited that Cafe and noticed handsome Waiter Kirill. They get aquanted and after small talk the Boss offered to borrow a substantial amount to Kirill. Of course, Kirill has agreed for this generous proposal. But the day of debt payment has come. Kirill did not have the money and he asked to delay the payment of the debt for another month. Unexpectedly, the Boss have made a tempting offer to Kirill, how his debt can be written off…

You will have 16 minutes 4K video of Waiter Kirill stripped down to the naked and wrists suspended for gut punching

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Published on 2024-11-17


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Waiter Kirill in Trouble

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