
Essex Bruiser v. Steve Parker

GBW Wrestling Plus

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PremiumHDDownloadableLength: 18:28

New to GBW Steve Parker picking back up his pro career from some years ago takes on GBW stalwart and resident heel Essex Bruiser in a needle match from the London Wrestling Centre ring. 6xrounds of 3 minutes with 2 falls or a KO to heel bragging rights on the line here from both wrestlers.


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Published on 2022-07-01


HeavyweightGP (deleted member)

2022-08-25 22:51

who the fuck is that referee - he's a dick, and the 2 gimps watching make it 3 - embarrassing to say the least, and done paying good money to watch this shite.....sorry to the 2 guys trying but it was total crap

gptime (deleted member)

2022-07-02 00:12

shameless on the part of all involved in making money because they can.......again, well done the 2 guys for trying - the rest of you are greedy bastards

gptime (deleted member)

2022-07-01 23:50

WOS would be disgraced - the ref hasn't a clue, the sad boo boys are the same - just let these 2 guys wrestle, they were giving it a go.....please explain the balloon refereeing, off the ropes, don't do this, don't do that, watch his eyes, just look at each other, i wish essex would have punched the wee fat ref in the gut, that would have shut his gob.....this is watchfighters, and this has been a disgrace - i've paid to watch this nonsense, the least you owe me is a rematch, without the prick ref and his 2 boo boys ffs......well done the 2 guys for trying

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Essex Bruiser v. Steve Parker

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