Take two wrestlers with professional wrestling experience. Mix in an inflated sense of self worth. Throw in a dash of contempt for their opponents.
It's a perfect recipe for an explosive confrontation between Elite Eliot and Jack Dillon.
Trash talking comes fast and often in this bout right from the onset. After a a slap to the face by Eliot, the fuse has been lit!
Jack is not one to back down though and after giving a slap right back to Eliot, the two begin their onslaught in earnest.
The plan for both men? To deliver as much punishment as possible by ripping into the other's back and neck!
Two really knowledgeable and accomplished grapplers going at one another in this bout makes it a real winner!
Total running time: 20 minutes, 35 seconds
Bodyslams, Suplexes, ﹠ Punishment - Elite Eliot vs. Jack Dillon
#prowrestling #submission #trashtalkVideo details
Take two wrestlers with professional wrestling experience. Mix in an inflated sense of self worth. Throw in a dash of contempt for their opponents.
It's a perfect recipe for an explosive confrontation between Elite Eliot and Jack Dillon.
Trash talking comes fast and often in this bout right from the onset. After a a slap to the face by Eliot, the fuse has been lit!
Jack is not one to back down though and after giving a slap right back to Eliot, the two begin their onslaught in earnest.
The plan for both men? To deliver as much punishment as possible by ripping into the other's back and neck!
Two really knowledgeable and accomplished grapplers going at one another in this bout makes it a real winner!
Total running time: 20 minutes, 35 seconds