
The American has found chemicals Micro Marvel intends to use in his dastardly scheme. But the villain is nowhere to be found.

Suddenly from behind comes Micro Marvel to deliver a low blow and rend our hero unconscious with chloroform!

Every time that The American appears to be coming around, Micro Marvel either applies a hard sleeper hold, a painful submission hold, or forces the chloroform soaked rag back into his face, putting him out once more.

The American attempts several defenses but between the unrelenting onslaught of our villain and the dizziness from the chloroform, Micro Marvel retains his edge over him.
Not content to just keep him unconscious, Micro Marvel also places our hero in a series of powerful wrestling holds to leave our hero screaming in pain.

TOTAL RUN-TIME: 16 minutes, 02 seconds

Pain ﹠ Chloroform - The American vs. Micro Marvel

#goodvsevil #chloroform

Video details

PremiumFullHDDownloadableLength: 15:48

The American has found chemicals Micro Marvel intends to use in his dastardly scheme. But the villain is nowhere to be found.

Suddenly from behind comes Micro Marvel to deliver a low blow and rend our hero unconscious with chloroform!

Every time that The American appears to be coming around, Micro Marvel either applies a hard sleeper hold, a painful submission hold, or forces the chloroform soaked rag back into his face, putting him out once more.

The American attempts several defenses but between the unrelenting onslaught of our villain and the dizziness from the chloroform, Micro Marvel retains his edge over him.
Not content to just keep him unconscious, Micro Marvel also places our hero in a series of powerful wrestling holds to leave our hero screaming in pain.

TOTAL RUN-TIME: 16 minutes, 02 seconds

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Published on 2024-09-01


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Pain ﹠ Chloroform - The American vs. Micro Marvel

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