#055 Freddie Vs Red Redemption; USA Vs UK!
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Representing the UK... Red Redemption.... Representing the USA Fabulous Freddie Flash!
Welcome to the UKWH Freddie! Freddie, is normally more comfortable in the oil or gunge pit, but he is here to try his hand at Pro Wrestling. In what may be a smart decision on Freddie’s part... he opens his account by challenging Red. Red himself has a mixed record of wins and losses so far, so Freddie could gain a win on his debut!
The match starts with a training session for the rookie.... Freddie is adorable, smiling nervously as each move is locked in. Poor Freddie is so green.... he may be wondering if he has bitten off more than he can chew.
As red gets tired of showing Freddie the ropes, he cranks on a nasty single leg boston crab/ camel clutch combo! Poor Freddie is also looking broken. Red clearly has learnt some decent offence over the last year!
Freddie is spunky and determined to both earn his place at UKWH but also earn some respect! However, he has caught Red on a good day, and he is in no mood to go down to a rookie. Red is brutal in places. At one point, he almost pulls Freddie’s shoulders out of their sockets via some corner work abuse.
At the 15 minute mark of this match, red delivers a truly nasty spaddle, arm lock combo. He has poor Freddie locked, vulnerable and screaming in pain. His amble filled speedo is barely holding in the goods as he is pulled apart!
It’s the beginning of the end as Red locks in his new finisher! A double head and leg sleeper scissor. Freddie is out... limp... beaten and done. Red is not done yet with his toy. Red returns to send a message to all rookies out there. Poor Freddie gets hogtied in the centre of the ring. Hopefully someone will hear his cries for help!
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